Natten mot måndagen utsattes Global Aktions kontor i Köpenhamn för ett brandattentat sannolikt av pro-Marockanska terrorister. Nedan deras uttalande om attentatet:
Global Aktions offices were hit by an arson attack last night, and the offices are destroyed by the fire. No-one was harmed, neither the GA activists, the neighbors nor the CEDA or Gode Penge activists. On the pavements the arsonists have written “Stop Supporting Terrorism”, “Morocco”, Fuck Polisario” and “Sahara belongs to Morocco”. Everyone is deeply shocked that our fight for our freedom of Western Sahara against the Moroccan occupation has made us target of this attack. Fighting against occupations are not controversial – it is part of basic human rights. If you wish to support Global Aktion or Polisario in this time you can help us spread the message of the occupation of Western Sahara.
The arsonists will not make us silent – this just a reminder of the violence that happens against the Sahrawi people. Furthermore, we are looking for a new temporary office space to continue our work – please reach out if you can help with this.
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