Areas of application
This policy is applicable to all Western Sahara Committee’s operations and is to be applied by all employees, volunteers and board members. This policy also applies to Western Sahara Committee’s partners, partners employees, volunteers and board members, and to partners at subsequent levels.

Approved by: Board of Western Sahara Committee’s, Approval date: 2018-04-03
Valid until further noticed


Western Sahara Committee’s defines corruption the same way as Sida, which is ”abuse of trust, power or position for improper gain. Corruption includes, among other things, the offering and receiving of bribes – including the bribery of foreign officials – extortion, conflicts of interest and nepotism”.

Position on corruption

Poverty and corruption often go hand in hand and corruption affects the poorest people the most and may, in many ways, also aggravate poverty. Therefore, corruption poses a serious threat to development and counteracts what Western Sahara Committee stands for and is working to achieve. Western Sahara Committee’s approach towards corruption is consequently to always prevent, never accept, always inform and always act even in situations where it might lead to delays, hindrance or total obstruction of operations.

Reporting of suspected corruption is encouraged and a whistle blower is always protected from sanctions. Whistle blowers have the opportunity to be anonymous and all reported cases in accordance to this policy are investigated.


  • This policy should be included in all Western Sahara Committee’s agreements with partners and any partners at subsequent levels within projects or programs, both Swedish and international. 
  • This policy shall be applied in all procurements, including procurements made by partners and any partners at subsequent levels. 

  • Partners and any partners at subsequent levels as well as employees, volunteers and board members are required to act upon any suspected cases of corruption and to inform Western Sahara Committee in accordance to this policy. 

  • Managers shall ensure that this policy and related guidelines on suspected corruption is known and applied by all employees and volunteers. 

  • Employees, volunteers and board members may not participate in decisions, nor prepare decisions in cases where his/hers impartiality can be questioned. 

  • Employees and volunteers are required to inform their superior of any circumstances where their impartiality may be questioned. Board members have an obligation to announce themselves biased in relevant situations. 

  • Employees, volunteers and board members may not commit the organisation, financially or otherwise, outside their delegated authorisations. 

  • Employees, volunteers and board members may not accept gifts from colleagues, partners or other individuals or groups, unless the gift is of insignificant value. 

Preventive work
Western Sahara Committee, Western Sahara Committee’s partners and partners at subsequent levels shall:

  • Support democratic processes built on transparency, accountability and 

  • Assess corruption risks in all projects, programs and activities. Identified risks 
should be appropriately addressed and followed up. 

  • Strengthen good governance and internal control both internally and in partner 

When corruption is suspected
The responsibility to investigate suspected cases of corruption, after reported to the board and, when applicable, the donors, lies on the Chair of Western Sahara Committee, or on the person in equivalent position.

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